I love being a Yellow Pages for people looking for something be it greeting cards, a place to stay in New Brunswick, a good agent in New York, a good caterer or a tour guide in Morocco. I LOVE having people contact me!
With small businesses having taken such a hit these past few years from SO MANY elements be they environmental, political or economic…I would love to share some businesses here that provide great service and products. Check them out! AND these are by NO means ALL of the spots where you can find items so please…add more! Please feel free to support them and let us know how you made out.
Some great spots that Barb and I find cheese in the Greater Ottawa area are as follows:
Grace In The Kitchen & Serious Cheese in Kanata
Jacobsons Gourmet Grocery Story in New Edinburgh
LaBottega Nicastro in Byward Market
Il Negozio in Wellington Village
Where is YOUR go-to for cheese in the city? Share please!
Grace In the Kitchen in Kanata
Milk Shop in the Byward Market
Card Lady Creations cards at Trillium Floral in Manotick
Do YOU have a suggestion of a small business that sells greeting cards? Do share!!